Pete Codling drew the Seagull and Sailor series while artist-in-residence for Hampshire County Council at the Gosport Gallery. The series of large contemporary charcoal drawings illustrates an old maritime myth that every seagull is the soul of a dead sailor.
The series is cyclical in narrative, raising the question if the seagull and the sailor are ever distinct, or ever one and the same.

UNKNOWN, 2013 | DREAMT, 2014. SOLD | TREASURED, 2014

The Ark series of 10 charcoal drawings was completed during a drawing residency at the Portsmouth Grammar School.
The series illustrates aspects of the Noah’s Ark parable through an adult lens, luring the viewer into intimate, emotive scenes.


DUST TO DUST, 2012-2013
Dust to Dust was a large-scale charcoal wall-drawing in the former Portsmouth College of Art. The contiguous drawing covers over 300m2 in area and took over six months to complete. Pete undertook the project during his tenure as the last artist-in-residence at the University of Portsmouth Space Gallery, now demolished.
The work draws upon religious and classical iconography and mythology. The artist references the worship of deities and immortals during antiquity, in a commentary on digital art and virtual realities in contemporary art education.
An informative video and interview, made by students, during the artwork can be found on YouTube: Pete Codling ‘Last Man in Space’
An accompanying limited-edition publication, ‘Dust by Dust’ (2015) published by Tricorn, is available directly from the artis


Solent Gulls is Pete’s most recent series of drawings. They are inspired by the Solent strait, which divides the South Coast of England from the Isle of Wight. The Solent is currently host to the America’s Cup sailing competition. All of the gulls’ wings are clipped, mimicking the shape of the America’s Cup yachts, and reflecting the artist’s personal state of mind.
The artist continues to produce for the series, more details of which are available on request.